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Down Ribbon: A Place to Establish Your Future
Helpful Links/ Info

Information For Seniors:

Seniors need to make sure that they sign up for the SAT exam in the Guidance Office or on  Choosing between 5-8 is a good idea of being prepared for college.  Attenting the school College Fair is also agreat idea for seniors.  In the College Fair, seniors get to interact with people representing the colleges.  For the month of November students should start applying to colleges.  For December, they should start filling out the FASFA form.  Next, the Scholarships are the best thing to apply for.  Also dont forget to prepare for your finals because your grades are still important. These are good steps to take while you are a  senior in high school.

Information For Juniors:

Juniors need to make sure that they sign up for the PSAT exam in the Guidance Office.  Attending the College Fair would be a great in order to have colleges in mind for next year.  Reasearching colleges that interest you with your counselor.  Lastly, planning on visiting college campuses is a great way for a student to interact with the school itself and a few teachers.

   Links to find the "Right" College